申辦2028第 71 届國際警察協會世界大會成功


Dear IPA friends,

我很高興告訴大家,國際警察協會香港分會將會於 2028 年舉辦第 71 届國際警察協會世界大會。 我們成功在今次北馬其頓世界大會上,在64票總票數當中,獲得 62 票贊成,1 票棄權,1票反對,批准我們香港分會可以於 2028 年首次在香港舉辦世界大會。

I am pleased to announce that Hong Kong Section will host the 71th World Congress in 2028. It was just approved by the congress here in North Macedonia. Among the total votes of 64, we have 62 votes in favor of us, 1 abstain and 1 aganist.


Let's work together for Hong Kong, as well as promoting China to the World, making this first ever event a successful one in 2028.

