Dear IPA Friends,
The Socio-Cultural Commission, Arts & Culture Team have announced the Photo Competition for 2024.
Please find attached the information and conditions of the competition, along with the entry form.
This information is also found on our International Website: IPA - Photo Competition (ipa-international.org)
Hong Kong members are encouraged to participate in the competition. You may submit your photo, together with the entry form by email to artsandcultureprojectteam@gmail.com (cc ipahksg@gmail.com).
由 Socio-Cultural Commission, Arts & Culture Team 舉辨的2024年的攝影比賽現已接受報名。請透過圖中的二維碼參閱比賽詳情,以及報名表格。
比賽詳情也可以在我們的國際網站上找到:IPA - 攝影比賽 (ipa-international.org)