國際警察協會(香港分會) 聖誔午宴 2024




Join Us for a Festive Christmas Luncheon! 

我們很高興地宣布將於 12月15日 舉辦聖誕午宴!來和我們一起在歡樂的氛圍中慶祝這個節日。

We are excited to announce our Christmas Luncheon on December 15th! Come celebrate the holiday season with us in a warm and joyful atmosphere.

Date 日期: 12月15日

Time 時間: 1200~1700

Location 地點:​6/F, V-point, 18 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

香港銅鑼灣登龍街18號V Point6/F


This event does not provide parking. Please arrange your own transportation.


Please follow the registration steps below:

1.⁠ ⁠請匯款到以下戶口,並將入數圖片存檔

Please make a payment to the following account and save the deposit receipt.

HSBC 567-285515-001

International Police Association Hong Kong Section

2.⁠ ⁠以Google form填寫個人資料,並在表格中將入數圖片及會員証上載

Fill in your personal information in the Google form and upload the deposit receipt and membership card in the form.


Registration must be submitted by a member, and the required documents must be uploaded simultaneously.


Each member can register with a maximum of three non-members.

成功報名後會有專人透過 WhatsApp 發送通知。

After successful registration, a notification will be sent via WhatsApp by a designated person.


This event offers a selection of main courses; if no selection is made, it will be arranged by the organizers.


Seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. We look forward to your prompt registration and thank you once again for your support. Let’s gather together to celebrate the festive season!

**VSING 作為一款流行的歌唱應用,為音樂愛好者提供了一個平台,讓他們能夠隨時隨地展現自己的歌唱才華。VSING擁有豐富的歌曲庫,涵蓋最新的流行曲目和經典老歌,用戶可以選擇各種歌曲進行獨唱或合唱,並輕鬆錄製自己的表演。

現誠邀各位參加我地IPA 聖誕 VSING 唱歌比賽,我地準備了豐富禮物給勝利者,大家快把握機會一展歌喉。


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